As conservative lifestyles and living ‘small’ becomes more and more popular, tiny homes and other downsized living have become a normal choice in the home buying process. If you have considered tiny home living, you may need to ask yourself a few questions before taking the leap. Here are 6 questions to check off before going “tiny”!
1. Can you build it? Smaller homes offer different challenges than building a full home, and you need to consider those differences before taking on the build yourself.
2. Do you have $20,000? If you don’t have or can’t easily get $20K, you may need to put the tiny dream on hold. Tiny homes typically require an upfront cost.
3. Can you wait for the build? They usually take a year or two from start to finish, so it is important to keep in mind you will need somewhere to stay.
4. Will you have enough room? While this seems like an obvious question, sometimes tiny home buyers don’t realize just how small the space will be. If you can live in the space of a one car garage, you will be fine.
5. Where will you park it? Do you have land to put the home on? This is a key step in your planning process.
6. Will you have a bathroom? Some tiny homes have running water capabilities, some do not. This is also a key choice to make if you are building your tiny home.